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Perl vs. PHP - Datatypes[arrays|lists|hash|map]
Dec 14, 2005 @ 12:50:46

CodeSnipers.com has this new post today with a comparison of one of the fundamentals of two languages - datatypes in PHP vs. Perl.

I've made a few friends recently who are ultra Perl geeks (Yes, you know who you are. Andy, Liz and Brian!) and they are rubbing off on me. I learned Perl a little bit, about 6 years ago when I first started web programming but I didn't know any Perl programmers so I had nobody to pester with questions. I always said that Perl was cryptic so Perl Elitists could show off their l33t ski11s. But I've found it's not all that bad…

I know PHP so well, that it helps my understanding to compare Perl to php (Don't flame me Perl folks! I'm not promoting one over the other, just comparing and contrasting).

Since they're mainly comparing arrays/hashes here, it's pretty brief, but it does give a bit of insight into how things would look "on the other side".

tagged: datatypes perl array hash map list datatypes perl array hash map list


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