In an effort to know where the PHP community has been (and where it will be going), I've posted this lengthy summary over on our blog today with a look back at what made up 2005 for all of the PHPers out there.
Well, here it is, the end of another year and it's times like thes ethat it's always fun to take a look back to where we've come from and how far we've made it on various projects. The PHP community has come so far from those early days of January, and I thought I'd take my own look back via some of the news posts that I've made over on in the past year (almost 2000 of em) and see which ones stuck out. So, bear with me on this - I know I'll miss a few of the biggies, but I'm going to try to highlight things in each month that really effected the community as a whole.
So, enjoy the read - most of the highlights are there (as well as a few of the problems that happened along the way). Hope you enjoy - and have a happy new year!