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PHP Usage Statistics for December 2005
Jan 04, 2006 @ 16:39:21

Nexen.net points to their latest PHP statistics (in French) for the end of last year - December 2005.

Here's the latest statistics on the usage of PHP for December 2005:

  • PHP 5.x usage grows up to 5% (at the same pace as months before). The release of PHP 5.1 seemed to have no effect.
  • PHP 4.4.4 continues to enjoy strong use, despite the differences between it and older versions like 4.3.10 and 4.3.11.
Also this month, you can see some of the graphs representing other various stats since June 2005.

Some of the other items they measure include: adoption by country, number of servers running it by country, and the adoption of PHP in Canada for the month. Note: the page is all in French, but the graphs are easy to understand...

tagged: usage statistics december 2005 usage statistics december 2005


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