In the latest post on the Sitepoint PHP Blog today, Harry Fuecks has his recommendation for how to help track how people do PHP, as opposed to what they're doing with it.
These days I find myself pointing people at Eventum, MySQL's bug tracking application. There are things I personally have "issues" with in the way Eventum is written but those are really just my personal taste.
Here's a question… If someone comes to you and asks "How do I organise myself in PHP?", what do you say? In particular, if they are an experienced programmer in other languages but still learning their way around PHP. The question I'm really asking is what application(s) would you point people at as an example for how to do PHP.
He talks about what he likes about their system and what benefits it has for potentiial/beginning PHP developers. He also asks for comments on what other PHP applications that developers could be pointed to as an example of good structure, a "blueprint"...