Adam Trachtenberg has this new post on his blog today that mentions his submission of papers to two different conferences (OSCON and NYPHPCon) and his perspectives on each.
It's the first year for NYPHPCon, but Hans and the whole NYPHP crew are great guys, so I know they'll put on a teriffic show. When I still lived in NYC, I attended NYPHP user group meetings on a semi-regular basis, and they were even kind enough to let me present once or twice.
OSCON is my favorite conference of the year. There's nothing else that provides such a wide range of interesting speakers and topics. I love learning about PHP, but I find it even more fascinating to see what the Perl and Python and Ruby guys are hacking on, or pick up JavaScript and AJAX tips, or heckle the Java programmers.
He also mentions the talks that he'll be presenting - more about web services in PHP, a "secrects of ext/soap", and a look at the "magical methods" in PHP5...