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Dan Scott's Blog:
ADOdb - getting good support for IBM DB2, Cloudscape, and Apache Derby
Feb 13, 2006 @ 12:48:24

Dan Scott has a new post today about support that's been created on the part of Larry Menard for the ADOdb library - a driver built on top of the ibm_db2_extensions.

The stable release of the ibm_db2 PECL extension for IBM DB2, Cloudscape, and Apache Derby brought a high performing, highly functional database connectivity alternative to Unified ODBC for PHP 4 and 5 users. However, in and of itself a database extension does not enable you to use the many PHP applications that you might want to use. You either have to add a specific driver for each application that implements its own portability layer, or if the application relies on one of the standard database abstraction layers (PEAR DB, MDB2, or ADOdb), then a driver needs to be added to the corresponding database abstraction layer.

Now, however, as part of Larry Menard's efforts to enable Gallery 2, an ADOdb driver built on top of the ibm_db2 extension will, in all probability, be made available as part of a future ADOdb release.

The driver mentioned here is a huge leap forward in the support (and, I imagine, popularity) for the use of the IBM DB2 database system. ADOdb is one of the more widely used database abstraction layers out there, and introducing something like this can only help...

tagged: adodb imb db2 driver support adodb imb db2 driver support


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