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Using XML - A PHP Developer's Primer (Part 4) - XML-RPC, PHP and Javascript
Apr 19, 2006 @ 11:51:17

PHPBuilder.com has moved on in their "Using XML: A PHP Developer's Primer" series with this new tutorial posted today - part four, a look at XML-RPC, PHP, and Javascript.

In this article we will demonstrate how PHP can be used to call upon web services provided by third part sites via an XML-RPC server. We will also show you how to create your own XML-RPC and use client-side Javascript to invoke procedures in your PHP scripts.

They start with an overview of what XML-RPC is, how it works, and some sample calls to show you how it's done. From there, they show you how, using the PEAR XML-RPC client, you can connect to Flickr and grab picture information for a specific user. And keep an eye out for the next article in the series. It will cover the other half of the equation - the creation of your own XML-RPC server.

tagged: phpbuilder using xml xml-rpc javascript flickr request phpbuilder using xml xml-rpc javascript flickr request


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