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Interview with Zak Greant on PHP Vikinger
Apr 19, 2006 @ 20:06:33

Marcus from php|architect got a chance to talk a bit with Zak Greant (from eZ Systems) about the "unconference" he's been organizing in Normay, the PHP Vikinger.

I had the pleasure of chatting with Zak Greant of EZ Systems about his unconference, PHP Vikinger. The unconference will be happening June 24th and 25th immediately following the EZ Publish User Conference in Skien, Norway. Zak has many hopes for people staying the extra two days, and he explained why in this interview

They discuss where the name came from, why they chose the "unconference" route, and what's expected of it.

tagged: interview zak greant unconference vikinger norway june 24th 25th interview zak greant unconference vikinger norway june 24th 25th


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