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M. Norway's Blog:
Podcast player in Flash! PHP Script to Convert RSS to XSPF
Apr 25, 2006 @ 12:31:10

m. norway has found way to combine the popular XSPF web music player Flash application with the flexibility of RSS feeds via a simple PHP script.

I like the flashbased XSPF mp3 player. I had planned to rewrite the flashcode so that it could read rss with enclosures instead, but I liked the possibility to have unique pictures on each track, and I wanted to check out the XSPF format.

So I wrote a PHP script that uses DOMXML and xpath to convert an existing rss to xspf, it even have a search function of sorts.

He shows an example of the script that convers the RSS feed into a tracklist that the Flash mp3 player can understand. I also like his idea of using del.icio.us to roll a "make your own podcast" kind of thing with the RSS output from your links.

tagged: script flash podcast rss xspf playlist player mp3 script flash podcast rss xspf playlist player mp3


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