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Matthew Weir O'Phinney's Blog:
PHP Library Channel
May 16, 2006 @ 11:00:08

Matthew Weir O'Phinney has posted this new item on his blog today, a look at his creation of a new PEAR channel (found here) where he's started work on a general use PHP library repository.

I've been working on Cgiapp in the past few months, in particular to introduce one possibility for a Front Controller class. To test out ideas, I've decided to port areas of my personal site to Cgiapp2 using the Front Controller. Being the programmer I am, I quickly ran into some areas where I needed some reusable code -- principally for authentication and input handling.

So what did I choose? To reinvent the wheel, of course! To that end, I've opened a new PEAR channel that I'm calling PHLY, the PHp LibrarY, named after my blog.

Some of the targets of his project include:

  • Loosely coupled; dependencies should be few, and no base class should be necessary.
  • Designed for PHP5 and up; all classes should make use of PHP5's features.
  • Tested; all classes should have unit tests accompanying them.

tagged: library repository channel pear phly library repository channel pear phly


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