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SitePoint PHP Blog:
Tim's comment challenge...
May 23, 2006 @ 10:55:34

In this new post from the SitePoint PGP Blog today, Harry Fuecks mentions some of Tim Bray's considerations of putting commenting into his site and some of the technological implications of it.

Harry also looks, on the same topic, at some PHP-related issues dealing with commenting in an application, including:

  • Do we recommend Tim use a forms library? E.g. QuickForm or Patforms?
  • For authentication OpenID seems to be on it's way to becoming a serious contender...
  • A design somewhere in the realm of Rasmus's no-MVC MVC
  • For the XML generation he mentions, DOM or SimpleXML (which implies PHP 5.x+)?

tagged: comment challenge library simplexml openid mvc comment challenge library simplexml openid mvc


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