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The Basics of Serializing Objects in PHP
Jun 06, 2006 @ 14:35:31

DevShed has the first part of a new three-part series posted today, a look a serializing objects in PHP.

Object serialization in PHP is very easy, and can be used for a variety of different purposes. It can be used to perform some fairly complex operations, in fact. This article, the first of a three-part series, introduces you to object serialization and a number of the tasks for which you can put this approach to use.

What should you expect from this series? By the end of it, you should be equipped with a decent knowledge of how to serialize/unserialize objects without losing their methods and properties during the transition, as well as constructing persisting and session objects, and much more.

This tutorial is idea for anyone not really familiar with why or how you could serialize objects with PHP, and just for those people they start at the best place - the beginning. They lay down the core concepts for serializing, including a sample DataSaver class to help. With that tool in your belt, they demonstrate how to modify it to automatically create and serialize the object automatically. The next, and final step in this part, is to take it even one step further and make self-saving object functionality as well.

tagged: serializing object datasaver self-saving self-serializing serializing object datasaver self-saving self-serializing


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