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Tobias Schlitt's Blog:
PHP at FrOSCon program available!
Jun 16, 2006 @ 11:00:13

Tobias Schlitt posts today about the release of the program of the PHP track for this year's Free and Open Source Conference.

We finally managed to get the program online for the professional PHP track at the Free and Open Source Conference 2006, which takes place on the next weekend (June 24th and 25th) in Bonn, Germany. We will have 6 PHP related talks on Saturday, held by professional PHP developers, and a hackaton event on Sunday. Everyone is invited to join us and have a good time.

He lists the selected talks as well, including "Using Geeklog as a Web Application Framework", "SVG and AJAX", and "XMLReader/Writer".

tagged: froscon2006 track talks bonn germany professional froscon2006 track talks bonn germany professional


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