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Nick Lo's Blog:
Mr Dizzy, Getters/Setters and Constructors
Jul 17, 2006 @ 11:58:07

In this new post on his blog today, Nick Lo provides an entertaining look at getters, setters, and constructors in the context of - what else - a children's book (in the style of the "Mr. Men" series).

One day, while refactoring a web application from procedural to object oriented code, Mr Dizzy decided to use constructors in a way that anyone in Cleverland would have pointed out was really not very clever.

The cutesy story relates Mr Dizzy's quest for an easy solution to using setters and getters. Unfortunately, he makes the wrong decision and puts them in the constructors, causing all sorts of trouble all around. Definitely a great way to relate a message (kids books do it all the time, right?) - kudos to Nick for the idea.

tagged: setters getters constructor mrdizzy zend_db_profiler setters getters constructor mrdizzy zend_db_profiler


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