In a great new post from Alan Knowles he takes a look at code reviewing, specificaly in a PHP environment.
He breaks the post up into phases (one through four) with the steps outlined along the way (including the "oh sh*t, it's getting urgent, we better fix the delivered code and make it work well enough for the client to start testing" phase). Phase four is the largest, being the bug finding and fixing stage, some of the more intensive (and sometimes numbing) times of development.
He also includes a good, long list of some of the codeing standards he's accumulated over time, including:
- Not creating PHP includes with functions in them!
- Never hard code email subjects etc. in code, use templates.
- Not using libraries that where not specified.. or using non-PEAR libraries when PEAR ones are available...
- Everything extends the base class, even code run via cron jobs.
He also talks about using print rather than echo, exiting on XMLHttpRequest calls, shortcuts in Javascript, and cloning dataobject arrays over creating simple structs.