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Scott Mattocks' Blog:
Zend Con '06
Aug 30, 2006 @ 12:23:14

Scott Mattocks, like so many others, has just reciently recieved notification that he's been accepted as a speaker for the Zend/PHP Conference & Expo this fall. He talks more about his speech in his latest post.

My session, "Consusming Web Services with PHP-GTK 2″ will be a look at how to turn a web services API into a desktop application. I only have fifty minutes so it won't be very heavy on implementation details. Instead it will look more at representing different data structures, collecting different types of data and how creating a desktop application can make life easier for the company and the end user.

Scott joins other speakers for this great event, including speakers like Ilia Alshanetsky, Wez Furlong, and Zeev Suraski. Be sure to check back on the Zend site soon to see when Scott and others' talks will be held.

tagged: zendcon2006 talk consuming web services phpgtk zendcon2006 talk consuming web services phpgtk


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