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JSLabs Blog:
How to use the facebook API
Oct 05, 2006 @ 18:51:38

On the JSLabs blog today, there's a new tutorial showing how you (yes you) can use the Facebook Developer's API to pull information from their systems.

The facebook API allows you to access profiles, friends, photos, and events. To access the API from an outside server, you need to go through the following steps:

He uses the PHP library to make the connection - a simple call to the API (complete with API key, the location of the interface, a secret key, and a session key to provide a unique identifier. The request made logs a user in (much have a valid Facebook account) and grabs: the count of the messages waiting, the number of posts to your wall, and a list of available photo albums.

tagged: facebook api library php5 interface account key facebook api library php5 interface account key


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