It's official - Javascript sucks. Well, at least according to Harry Fuecks and the group from the last WebTuesday meeting.
The surprise outcome of last nights webtuesday - Javascript sucks harder than PHP. I still can't quite believe it. Maarten took the PHP corner against me in the Javascript corner, both of us shamelessly advocating each language under various headings.
1 minute max per topic—no outright lies although often bordering on truthiness. Verdicts provided by the audience, based on who could shout loudest from a choice [ranking].
Of course, Harry does comment that the comparison is a bit unfair (server versus client side), but there are alternatives for both (client-side PHP and server-side Javascript) so make a foundation for enough of a comparison. At the end of the night, though, the results of the votes were conclusive - Javascript was in worse shape than PHP, though the winner was "he one that came out hurting less".