Ligaya Turmelle has posted an update on a movement started a few days ago surrounding the women of PHP that are our there, hacking and coding along with their male counterparts.
Ok so we have been some busy little beavers. We have a domain and hosting (Thanks to Cal Evans graciously volunteering us space) though we will probably be moving that domain to the OmniTI servers who have also volunteered to host us. A mailing list has been set up (feel free to join it here) as well as an IRC channel (#phpwomen on freenode). We are currently figuring out what we want to be and don’t want to be as a community so make your voice heard.
They do have a website - - but it's currently just a placeholder for future content (including a forum to help with interaction). According to Ligaya, there's about 25 women involved with the project right now, but they're always looking for more to get in, so if you're interested, check out either their site or head over to the freenode IRC network and join #phpwomen.