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APress' Inside Open Source Blog:
Namespaces in PHP 6
Nov 17, 2006 @ 13:30:53

As this post over on APress' Inside Open Source blog today, there's a discussion that's been going on over on the php-dev mailing list about namespaces in PHP6.

I find both sides of the argument quite compelling, and while FWIW I’m in favor of including them in the next release, I’m somewhat indifferent to the matter. According to one of the very latest messages in the thread, Zeev Suraski confirms they simplistic support will likely be enabled.

That's Jason Gilmore talking there, and he goes on to reinforce something Rasmus Lerdorf has said about namespaces in the past - they'll implement them when they find the right way (in the PHP spirit) to do it.

tagged: namespace mailing list phpdev php6 enable default namespace mailing list phpdev php6 enable default


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