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File upload progress meter for PHP 4, at last!
Dec 21, 2006 @ 16:46:00

With the release of PHP 5.2 and a new feature, the file upload hooks useful for making an upload progress meter, PHP 4 users have been feeling a little left out. Well, come into the light PHP4ers - PHPClasses has just what you need - two patches to give you the same functionality.

Since I wanted to use this upload progress meter extension under PHP 4, I had to find an alternative solution. I decided to port the patch that adds hooks to monitor upload progress to make it run under PHP 4.

These two patches work for different versions:

He also links to a few other resources of use to file uploaders out there:

tagged: file upload progress php4 php5 meter comet patch ajax file upload progress php4 php5 meter comet patch ajax


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