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David Coallier's Blog:
Zend Framework Without PDO
Jan 09, 2007 @ 21:04:00

David Coallier has written up a quick post on his blog today with a helpful hint on getting the Zend Framework up and running without the use of PDO for the database connection.

For those who wanted to use the Zend Framework on server but didn't have all the access to install PDO or such will now be able to do so. I have a fix that now MDB2 (PHP5 Only) can be used instead of PDO.

He gives an example of its usage (creating a factory object) and how to get the MDB2 adapter installed correctly to get the Zend Framework to recognize and use it.

tagged: zendframework database pdo connection mdb2 php5 zendframework database pdo connection mdb2 php5


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