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Matthew Weir O'Phinney's Blog:
svn:externals (and the Zend Framework)
Jan 10, 2007 @ 16:45:00

In a new post to his blog, Matthew Weir O'Phinney talks about automating a process to help keep a friend up to date on the latest release of the Zend Framework.

I was recently working with someone who was using Zend Framework in their project. To keep things stable and releasable, he was doing an export of framework into his repository and checking it in.

Since files change so much in the ZF project currently, instead of doing an rsync from a checkout into his own repository, he decided instead to delete the directory from the repository and re-add it everytime he was updating framework.

His solution involved the use of the svn:externals property to grab only what's really needed. He also includes the steps/configuration that he used to grab just what he wants. Handy little feature of Subervsion...

tagged: subversion svnexternals zendframework repository subversion svnexternals zendframework repository


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