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David Coallier's Blog:
Zend_Db Without PDO part #3 (SVN Repository)?
Jan 19, 2007 @ 15:44:00

David Coallier looks yet again at his method for using the Zend_Db module of the Zend Framework without having to use PDO to connect to your database. Due to the large amount of interest in the development, he's created a subversion repository to give developers the latest version:

Well that's right, over the past couples weeks I have received emails, have seen comments and bug reports on my blog about the package I started couple weeks ago that let anyone use the Zend Framework without having to use the PDO extension. [...] I have decided to setup a new svn repository related to it.

You can access the main repository for the latest downloads here: http://dev.agoraproduction.com/zend/svn.

tagged: zendframework zenddb pdo without subversion repository zendframework zenddb pdo without subversion repository


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