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php|tek 2007 Sold Out
Apr 19, 2007 @ 15:09:00

Looks like it's going to be a full house at this year's php|tek conference up in Chicago this year. According to this new item on the php|architect site, the conference is completely sold out.

For the second year in a row, our php|tek conference is completely sold out!

You can still tune in during the event for up-to-date information, comments, slides and more details from the conference floor—including some audio and video podcasts from our Pro::PHP Podcast team.

If you didn't get in in time, be sure to check out the schedule so you'll know what kind of talks will be happening at the conference and what you can expect to hear about from the podcasters.

tagged: phptek2007 conference soldout schedule podcast video phptek2007 conference soldout schedule podcast video


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