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Creating, Updating, Deleting documents in a Lucene Index with symfony
Apr 24, 2007 @ 20:28:00

In yet another follow-up in their series on using the Lucene search functionality the Zend Framework offers inside of Symfony.

Previously we covered an all-at-once approach to indexing objects in your symfony app. But for some reason, people find the need to allow users to sign up, or change their email addresses and then all of a sudden our wonderful Lucene index is out of date.

Here lies the strength of using Zend Search Lucene in your app, you can now get the flexibility of interacting with a Lucene index, no matter how it was created and add, update and delete documents to it.

Instead of going the "clunky" route of having a cron job update the search information nightly, they opt for a method that updates the database whenever new content is added/updated/deleted. They change up the class they generated before and add methods to reindex whenever each method is run.

tagged: create update delete document zendframework symfonyframework search create update delete document zendframework symfonyframework search


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