On his blog/forums today, Paul Gregg has a mini-review posted of the recently released Delphi for PHP:
D4PHP is CodeGear's first attempt at bringing visual rapid application development to PHP. To be honest my first impression was fear. Here I am, 10+ years into PHP and used to developing raw PHP in vi and Zend Studio, with a couple of forays into Eclipse, staring at a PHP RAD tool without the first clue where to begin.
His experience has been mostly with the usual crowd of PHP IDEs, so things were a bit foreign to him. Eventually, though, (after following the tutorial) he was able to make and compile a simple PHP script.
I have to confess that being a simple procedural kind of guy that thinks OO is mostly hype, D4PHP is a huge concept for me to grapple with. But I think I might just enjoy it.