As mentioned by Ivo Jansch today, a new conference has sprung up to somewhat take the place of the canceled Int't PHP Conference among the Dutch PHP community - the Dutch PHP Conference.
The conference is organized by Ibuildings with the help of Zend, and is targeted at a Dutch audience. We are still finalizing the program but we already have quite a lineup, with speakers such as Cal Evans, Lukas Smith, Kevlin Henney and Gaylord Aulke (all present in the PHP card deck ;-)).
In total there will be 12 presentations divided over 3 parallel tracks. The Dutch PHP Usergroup will arrange an exhibition area where open source PHP project can show off their projects.
You can get complete information on the conference, including the location and some of the topics to be covered/tracks from their website. The conference will be a one-day event happening June 16th, 2007.