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Nick Halstead's Blog:
Zend Framework RC1 and Zend ACL usage
May 31, 2007 @ 12:52:00

Nick Halstead takes a look at another aspect of the Zend Framework in his latest blog post - the ACL component in the most recent release, Zend Framework RC1.

Yesterday RC1 of Zend Framework was released. I have been working away using it for several months and I have tried to give back small snippets of code as I went along. I had to do some work on my class that extends the Zend ACL and it reminded me how I like to approach coding as a whole.

He goes on to look at what the Zend Framework access control functionality is and how he plans on using it. He follows this with a few code snippets that, among other things, show how the Zend_Config_Ini component could be used to maintain the access list.

tagged: accesscontrol zendacl zendframework zendconfigini accesscontrol zendacl zendframework zendconfigini


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