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Andries Seutens' Blog:
Zend Framework, just get me started, okay?
Jun 20, 2007 @ 17:03:00

Andries Seutens has created his own quickstart method for working with the Zend Framework and in his latest post, he shares the files.

If you are looking for a quick way to get started with the Zend Framework, then you should download this file. This download has a default setup for the Zend Framework, including: a conventional directory structure, a bootstrap file, configuration file with 2 stages: production, staging, an error controller, an index controller and more.

For course, you'll have to have the framework installed to get things up and running, but outside of that you'll only need to put the downloaded files above into the right place.

tagged: zendframework quickstart download extract zendframework quickstart download extract


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