As mentioned in several places (including over on, the GoPHP5 project has launched their website to help everyone keep tabs on how the push towards PHP5 is going -
The PHP developer community has decided that it is indeed now time to move forward, together. Therefore, the listed software projects have all agreed that effective February 5th, 2008, any new feature releases will have a minimum version requirement of at least PHP 5.2.0. Furthermore, the listed web hosts have agreed that effective February 5th, 2008, they will include PHP 5.2 (or a more recent version) in their service offer.
Included in the site are a list of web hosts that support the GoPHP5 project, software projects that have committed themselves to "being PHP5" by the deadline and - front and center - a countdown timer for how long they have left.
Other sites mentioning the GoPHP5 site/effort:
- Alexey Zakhlestin's blog
- the Blog
- this new post on the Symfony blog