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The Northclick Blog:
A comma is a comma is a comma...or is it?
Sep 20, 2007 @ 14:32:00

Internationalizing a website can bring all sorts of challenges, as Markus Wolff found out when working on a recent project:

When you're building international websites, there's always something new to learn. Especially if one of the languages your website is available in uses a character set different from anything you're used to. For jimdo.com, the greatest challenge as of yet is the chinese version.

His focus isn't so much on the content of the page but on one small character that caused him headaches - the comma. Unfortunately, it seems that Unicode has its own commas that don't quite adhere to the "normal" rules to make them easy to work with (and, in his case, split with a regular expression). The fix to the situation was simple, though - adding a "u" modifier after the expression made it Unicode-aware and split the information correctly.

tagged: comma unicode support regularexpression preg chinese comma unicode support regularexpression preg chinese


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