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Marco Tabini's Blog:
More technology == more humiliation
Sep 20, 2007 @ 17:04:00

If you weren't able to make it to this year's just passed php|works conference in Atlanta, you missed out on the keynote that Marco Tabini, founder of php|architect gave at the start of the conference. Fortunately, he's posted the video of it on his blog:

What they didn't tell me, however, is that they had arranged for a simple (but, as you will see, very effective) web-based system that allowed members of the audience to submit "captions" to the screen as I was speaking. The results were, of course, hilarious - mostly because they "forgot" to tell me about the idea until a few days after.

Be sure to check out the video of the video for some great one-liners.

tagged: phpworks2007 conference keynote video talk captions phpworks2007 conference keynote video talk captions


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