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Arnold Daniels' Blog:
Perl like temporary variables in PHP
Nov 02, 2007 @ 14:38:00

Arnold Daniels points out a quick method for creating what he calls "perl-like temporary variables" in the global scope of a script:

When writing code in the global scope, I often have a problem where I'm overwriting a variable. This happens even more often when I work on code of somebody else. Usually has the variable which does the overwriting is usually just a temporary variable.

His code is a simple few lines that shows how it could be used when trying to write information out to a file handle. Some of the comments on the post criticize his use of the global scope but Arnold comes back with his reasoning - mostly that there is already code in the global scope and that adding something else is only adding to it, not making things worse.

tagged: temporary variable perl global scope temporary variable perl global scope


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