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Gergely Hodicska's Blog:
What is new in PHP 5.3 - part 2: late static binding
Nov 15, 2007 @ 13:57:00

Gergely Hodicska has posted part two of his look at the upcoming PHP 5.3 release. In his previous post, he looked at namespacing, but in this new one he covers late static binding (mor einfo here).

In the second part we will deal with static late binding, which is a very exciting new feature in PHP 5.3 and which promise some really nifty code. :) This topic attracted attention after Zend Framework. There was a little outcry in the PHP blogosphere, that the ActiveRecord examples presented in this webcast can't work in PHP even with the version 5.2. Now with late static binding it is possible to implement this style of ActiveRecord almost correctly.

His post is an example of implementing the ActiveRecord (sort of) pattern, complete with code examples.

tagged: php5 latestaticbinding activerecord implement php5 latestaticbinding activerecord implement


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