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Kore Nordmann's Blog:
Evil bugs in your code
Dec 04, 2007 @ 17:52:00

Kore Nordmann has made a quick post to his blog about some "evil bugs" he's seen reoccurring in the code he writes and wanted to point them out so other developers might learn from them.

Those are 4 typical errors I introduced in my code, and spend some time debugging it, because I found them really hard to spot. Luckily, once I spotted the actual bug, I find it a lot easier the next time the typo occurs. Therefore I want to share those, so that I may save you some minutes of your life hunting stupid bugs.

His three contributions concern a "missing if", the addition of a random semicolon, operator precedence and a for loop that refuses to work. Others have contributed to the comments on the post as well.

tagged: bug if semicolon operator precedence loop bug if semicolon operator precedence loop


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