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Sebastian Bergmann's Blog:
Support for BDD and Stories in PHPUnit 3.3
Jan 17, 2008 @ 14:48:00

On his blog today Sebastian Bergmann has posted about new functionality that's been added to the PHPUnit unit testing package for PHP - support for BDD and Stories.

PHPUnit_Extensions_Story_TestCase is a new extension for PHPUnit that has been contributed by Xait, a company that I visited last fall. It adds a story framework with a Domain-Specific Language (DSL) for Behaviour-Driven Development (BDD).

He includes an example of the new extension in action - creating a Story, adding Steps to it and the output that would result from the execution (reading?) of the example.

tagged: bdd story extension xait dsl testcase step bdd story extension xait dsl testcase step


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