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Zend Developer Zone:
Lifting the Skirt on Zend Framework 1.5: Zend_Auth and the OpenId Adapter
Feb 21, 2008 @ 13:53:00

The Zend Developer Zone has posted a new look something recently added to the Zend Framework - support in the Zend_Auth component for OpenId connections.

Since there have been numerous tutorials written regarding Zend_Auth, I won't attempt to make a full tutorial on it. If you are curious, google around, you'll find them. Today though, I'd like to show you a cool new piece that has been added to Auth in Zend Framework 1.5, the new Zend_Auth_Adapter_OpenId.

Cal explains what the OpenID system is all about before getting into the code that uses it. He suggests MyOpenID as a provider to register at and includes the code to make a request to them to authenticate a username/password combo. The actual authentication check is only about three or four lines of code.

tagged: zendframework zendauth component openid authenticate


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