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Ben Ramsey's Blog:
Supporting PUT & DELETE in the Zend Framework
Feb 28, 2008 @ 16:27:00

Ben Ramsey has recently blogged about some of the research and bit of development that he's done to add "more correct" functionality to the Zend Framework for working with RESTful interfaces - proper PUT and DELETE support.

I've recently been wrapped up in an effort to design and implement a RESTful API using the Atom Protocol for a project at work. We are using the Zend Framework as the underlying framework for the project, so, in order to follow the Atom Protocol, I needed to support the HTTP methods PUT and DELETE

Since the Zend Framework has been playing such a prominent role in the development, he's been digging into the Zend_Rest_Server component code and isn't too happy about its support for PUT and DELETE. As a result, he's proposed methods that might help resolve things such as isGet, isDelete, isOptions and getEntityBody. He' even created a patch to make the needed changes.

tagged: rest interface zendframework put get delete patch


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