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Zend Developer Zone:
PHP Abstract Podcast Episode 37: Zend Framework 1.5
Apr 04, 2008 @ 13:58:43

On the Zend Developer Zone, a new podcast (PHP Abstract) has been posted talking about the latest release of the Zend Framework - version 1.5. Wil Sinclair and Brad Cottell are the hosts.

Today we are going to talk to Wil Sinclair and Brad Cottel. Wil is the manager of the Advanced Technologies Group at Zend. We will be talking about the newly released Zend Framework 1.5.

You can grab this episode in one of three easy ways either: grabbing the mp3, listening to it via the in page player or the "lazy man's option" - scribe to their feed and get this and other great/future episodes brought directly to your aggregator.

tagged: phpabstract podcast series zendframework episode wilsinclair bradcottell


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