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Paul Jones' Blog:
Solar - Modified Testing Strategy
Feb 01, 2006 @ 13:16:20

Paul Jones has an update today onm his blog concerning the Solar Framework and some of the testing strategies surrounding it.

In the current release of .phpt test format, which is supported very well by Greg Beaver's "pear run-tests" code. The .phpt testing strategy compares the output of a test script to an expected output string, and passes if the outputs match.

Inspired by Greg's PEAR_PHPTest class, I've developed a bare-bones Solar_Test_Assert class that tests assertions and throws PHP5 exceptions on assertion failures. Add to that a quick hack to run all tests at once recursively through subdirectories (courtesy of the "pear run-tests -r" switch), and you get a convenient all-at-once testing tool for Solar.

He mentions also rewriting the previous Solar tests to match this new structure as well...

tagged: solar modified testing strategy PEAR PEAR_PHPTest solar modified testing strategy PEAR PEAR_PHPTest


Paul Jones' Blog:
Solar - Modified Testing Strategy
Feb 01, 2006 @ 13:16:20

Paul Jones has an update today onm his blog concerning the Solar Framework and some of the testing strategies surrounding it.

In the current release of .phpt test format, which is supported very well by Greg Beaver's "pear run-tests" code. The .phpt testing strategy compares the output of a test script to an expected output string, and passes if the outputs match.

Inspired by Greg's PEAR_PHPTest class, I've developed a bare-bones Solar_Test_Assert class that tests assertions and throws PHP5 exceptions on assertion failures. Add to that a quick hack to run all tests at once recursively through subdirectories (courtesy of the "pear run-tests -r" switch), and you get a convenient all-at-once testing tool for Solar.

He mentions also rewriting the previous Solar tests to match this new structure as well...

tagged: solar modified testing strategy PEAR PEAR_PHPTest solar modified testing strategy PEAR PEAR_PHPTest


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