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Voices of the ElePHPant:
Interview with Bulat Shakirzyanov
May 03, 2011 @ 15:45:43

The Voices of the ElePHPant podcast has posted their latest episode - an interview with Bulat Shakirzyanov.

Cal's "three questions" for Bulat revolve around his work with unit testing:

  • How do you counter the arguments that unit testing takes too much time or their boss/client won't give them the time to learn or practice testing?
  • Do you advocate 100% unit test coverage - if so, why (and if no, why not)?
  • Why is it important for developers to mock native PHP commands in their unit tests?

You can listen to this latest episode either through the in-page player, by downloading the mp3 or by subscribing to their feed.

tagged: voice elephpant podcast interview community member bulatshakirzyanov


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