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The Bakery:
Cruise Holidays Website
Apr 02, 2007 @ 16:34:00

On the CakePHP Bakery site, there's another case study posted (from Neil Crookes) about a company that used the framework to develop a "Cruise Holidays" website: islandcruises.com.

I was lead programmer on the project and all my experience prior to it has been in writing procedural code, not OO and not MVC, however, after spending a few days looking through the manual and checking out the wiki, we decided to give CakePHP a try.

We also found the contributions from the community on the wiki/bakery and in the snippets, an incredibly valuable resource and in fact made use of articles and code from othAuth, Pagination, Improved Advance Validation with Parameters, Sending Email With PHPMailer.

He also mentions baking his own controllers, models, and views for the CRUD functionality, making for a half-day bake time.

tagged: cruiseholidays cakephpframework website bake cruiseholidays cakephpframework website bake


The Bakery:
Cruise Holidays Website
Apr 02, 2007 @ 16:34:00

On the CakePHP Bakery site, there's another case study posted (from Neil Crookes) about a company that used the framework to develop a "Cruise Holidays" website: islandcruises.com.

I was lead programmer on the project and all my experience prior to it has been in writing procedural code, not OO and not MVC, however, after spending a few days looking through the manual and checking out the wiki, we decided to give CakePHP a try.

We also found the contributions from the community on the wiki/bakery and in the snippets, an incredibly valuable resource and in fact made use of articles and code from othAuth, Pagination, Improved Advance Validation with Parameters, Sending Email With PHPMailer.

He also mentions baking his own controllers, models, and views for the CRUD functionality, making for a half-day bake time.

tagged: cruiseholidays cakephpframework website bake cruiseholidays cakephpframework website bake


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