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Rob Peck's Blog:
PHP Templating Celebrity Deathmatch!
Aug 14, 2007 @ 20:37:50

The Code Lemur blog (as penned by Rob Peck) has a new post - a "deathmatch" for two of the PHP-associated templating solutions out there in a fight to the finish - Smarty and Blitz.

In this test, I am going to be comparing Smarty (the most widely used PHP templating engine and an official PHP project), Blitz (a new templating engine currently under very active development that is native compiled as a PHP extension), and standard PHP includes.

He compares them on three different levels - instantiation, simple template rendering, and complex testing. Each time, there's a victor but in the end, there's really only one "winner" - the PHP language itself that does a great job of templating things easily without the overhead of adding in external libraries.

tagged: templating deathmatch blitz smarty compare templating deathmatch blitz smarty compare


Rob Peck's Blog:
PHP Templating Celebrity Deathmatch!
Aug 14, 2007 @ 20:37:50

The Code Lemur blog (as penned by Rob Peck) has a new post - a "deathmatch" for two of the PHP-associated templating solutions out there in a fight to the finish - Smarty and Blitz.

In this test, I am going to be comparing Smarty (the most widely used PHP templating engine and an official PHP project), Blitz (a new templating engine currently under very active development that is native compiled as a PHP extension), and standard PHP includes.

He compares them on three different levels - instantiation, simple template rendering, and complex testing. Each time, there's a victor but in the end, there's really only one "winner" - the PHP language itself that does a great job of templating things easily without the overhead of adding in external libraries.

tagged: templating deathmatch blitz smarty compare templating deathmatch blitz smarty compare


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