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Joe Ferguson:
On Community Silos
Aug 13, 2015 @ 15:17:30

Joe Ferguson recently attended the Laracon US conference, a conference centered around the Laravel framework and the community that's around it. In this post to his site he shares some of his thoughts about the event and something else that came up during the course of the event - the topic of "silos" in communities.

When the [JeoPHPardy] game was over I was thinking about a lot of the questions that the contestants couldn’t answer and how that relates to this being a Laravel conference. (As opposed to a PHP conference). [...] The point I’d like to make is that a random sampling of Laravel conference attendees were unable to answer medium to high difficulty PHP related questions. [...] I find it frustrating that a random sampling of Laracon attendees seem to be out of touch with not only notable PHP podcast hosts, the Framework Interoperability Group that is guiding the way they write code, and inner workings of the PHP language itself.

He goes on to share his frustration with the "silo" that it seems like the Laravel community has created, making their interactions with the general PHP community somewhat less. He points out that he's not picking on Laravel, though. He shifts the focus away from complaints about the community differences and instead emphasizes bringing people out of these silos. He includes a few practical things that can help too: attending a conference, going to a more general PHP user group, etc.

tagged: community laraconus15 conference involvement laravel silo encouragement

Link: http://www.joeferguson.me/on-community-silos/

Bradley Holt:
The Northeast PHP Conference Wants More Women Speakers
Apr 10, 2013 @ 17:19:51

in this new post to his site, Bradley Holt - an organizer of the Northeast PHP Conference - looks at one of the difficult struggles for events right now...getting more women to submit to speak at conferences.

We opened up the call for papers for the Northeast PHP Conference about a week ago. Guessing by the names, it appears that we have a very low number of women who have submitted talks.

He includes some quotes from this post by Courtney Stanton about how she was able to get such a high female submission rate for her event. The basic idea was to offer "consulting" services on their ideas and drafts of presentations to help encourage and bolster their confidence in the event. Bradley is offering to do the same for this year's conference, for anyone - not just women.

The Northeast PHP Conference is being held in Cambridge, Massachusetts August 16th through 18th

tagged: conference northeast women speakers encouragement

Link: http://bradley-holt.com/2013/04/the-northeast-php-conference-wants-more-women-speakers

Community News:
"Ideas of March" Blogging Refresh
Mar 15, 2012 @ 14:13:23

This time last year, several members of the PHP (and wider) community wrote up blog posts titled "The Ideas of March". The idea was to blog about blogging and try to kickstart others and encourage them to get back on to blogging again. Here's a list of the people who have posted so far:

This list will be updated throughout the day as more posts show up. Have a post you don't see mentioned here? Let me know!

tagged: ideasofmarch blog refresh encouragement


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