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Laravel News Podcast:
Episode 43 - Laracon US 2017 wrap, Laravel Horizon, and new versions galore
Aug 18, 2017 @ 17:42:34

The latest episode of the Laravel News podcast, hosted by Jacob Bennett and Michael Dyrynda, has posted their latest episode: Episode 43.

Jake and Michael return after a few weeks' hiatus to recap Laracon US 2017, the big reveal of Laravel Horizon, and catch up on the latest framework news.

You can read the full episode transcript which includes time markers and links.

The post also includes links to several of the topics and software mentioned in the episode. If you enjoy the show be sure to subscribe to their feed to get notifications when the latest episodes are released.

tagged: laravelnews laravel podcast ep43 laracon horizon versions

Link: https://laravel-news.com/podcast/43

PHP Roundtable:
043: A Lone Star PHP 2016 Special
Apr 15, 2016 @ 14:22:43

The PHP Roundtable podcast has posted their latest episode recorded live at the Lone Star PHP Conference that just happened in Dallas, Texas. In it host Sammy Powers is joined by a big cast of characters: Chris Tankersley, Anthony Ferrara, Jeremy Mikola, Elizabeth Smith, Daniel Cousineau, Magnus Nordlander and Jared Farrish.

We record live from Lone Star PHP 2016 in Dallas, TX. We discuss what DI Containers aren't, tradeoffs to making things easy, how to improve your dev skills, repercussions of depending on Composer, PHP 7.1 features and we give away a white Confoo elePHPant.

Unfortunately the internet connection at the venue wasn't great, so the video/audio quality is a bit lacking. You can still watch and listen to the episode through the in-page audio and video player or directly on YouTube. If you enjoy the show, be sure to subscribe to their feed and follow them on Twitter to get the latest updates when new shows are released (and when they're recording).

tagged: phproundtable podcast ep43 lonestarphp lsp16 special recording

Link: https://www.phproundtable.com/episode/a-lone-star-php-2016-special

PHP Town Hall Podcast:
Episode 43: Midnight Express
Jul 31, 2015 @ 16:37:18

The PHP Town Hall podcast has released their latest episode today: Episode #43: Midnight Madness with hosts and PHP community members Phil Sturgeon and Ben Edmunds.

Your two favourite PHP developers are joined this episode by Emir Kar??yakal? off of PHPKonf and IstanbulPHP. Istanbul is not only a beautiful and awesome city, but it’s got a thriving PHP community too, who are currently hosting a whole bunch of PHP stars for their annual conference.

You can listen to their latest episode either through the in-page audio player or by downloading the mp3 to listen at your leisure. If you enjoy the show, be sure to subscribe to their feed or follow them on Twitter.

tagged: phptownhall podcast ep43 midnight madness emirkars?yakal?

Link: http://phptownhall.com/blog/2015/06/11/episode-43-midnight-express/

/Dev/Hell Podcast:
Episode 43: Erotic Art the Right Way
Apr 16, 2014 @ 14:15:47

In the latest episode of the /Dev/Hell podcast (Episode #34, "Erotic Art the Right Way") hosts Ed Finkler and Chris Hartjes talk with Josh Lockhart of Slim framework fame.

Our latest episode features someone who we’re been trying to get on for a while: Josh Lockhart, the developer of the Slim Framework for PHP and the founder of the PHP The Right Way project. We also have a new sponsor in Nude New Relic!

Topics they discuss include things like Slim, Sinatra, Flask and Guzzle. You can listen to this latest episode either by downloading the mp3 or using the in-page player. You can also subscribe to their feed to get this and other great shows.

tagged: devhell podcast ep43 joshlockhart slimframework phptherightway

Link: http://devhell.info/post/2014-04-13/erotic-art-the-right-way/

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