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Ibuildings Blog:
Building a PHP Center of Expertise
Sep 11, 2008 @ 17:26:06

According to this recent post to the Ibuildings blog, the company is going to strike out and try something new - a "Center of Expertise" department as a part of their normal business operations.

This year we're going to do something similarly challenging, but completely different. We've grown from a development company into a PHP services company, and we managed to attract really smart and inspiring people from the PHP community. We've also been supporting user groups and organized conferences and seminars. We're about to take those activities to the next level. We are going to build a 'PHP Center of Expertise'.

Efforts the newly formed group will contribute to include open source projects, aiding user groups, developing training materials and developing professional services related to PHP. The idea is still in the planning stages so any feedback or comments you might have are welcome.

tagged: center expertise group ibuildings company


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