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SitePoint Web Blog:
PHP vs Node.js Smackdown: Right of Reply
Jul 09, 2015 @ 14:53:22

in response to the previously posted Node.js vs PHP "Smackdown" article on the SitePoint Web blog, PHP blog editor Bruno Skvorc and an author from the SitePoint Javascript channel, James Hibbard, come back with their own rebuttal to some of the points made in the previous article from a more "PHP perspective."

In SitePoint's recent PHP vs Node.js Smackdown, Craig Buckler pitted these development disciplines against each other over a series of ten challenges, to determine which is the overall winner. As Craig notes in the article, these comparisons are always somewhat controversial. As a fun followup, we asked Bruno Skvorc (SitePoint's PHP editor) and James Hibbard (one of SitePoint's JavaScript editors) to provide a commentary on each of the rounds.

For each of the rounds, they start with a summary of the related findings by Craig in the first article and share comments from both Bruno and James. With his slant towards Javascript James often agrees with what the original article stated but Bruno usually disagrees or adds comments in to clarify the PHP side of the situation (from a more insider's perspective).

tagged: smackdown nodejs language comparison reply brunoskvorc jameshibbard

Link: http://www.sitepoint.com/php-vs-node-js-smackdown-right-of-reply/

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