Thomas Boutell, author of PHP's GD package, has posted a message to the php.internals mailing list with his proposal to move the library's development over to
What I am proposing is to move gd development to I would still like to maintain as a useful resource for gd programmers and make contributions myself as an individual developer. But would become the official home of gd, and I would
relinquish control.
As some of you are no doubt aware, I haven't released a new gd update in quite some time. Other projects took up vastly more time than expected, and it's dawned on me that this is not going to change. Also, gd has forked already, with many improvements and fixes existing only in the PHP version. So it's time to do the right thing and offer the bazaar-keepers the keys to the cathedral.
He mentions some things that might cause issue with the move, including the lack of community interest (for maintenance), licensing issues, and keeping the documentation up to date. Rasmus Lerdorf replied noting that those shouldn't be a problem, and Pierre Alain Joye stepped up to the plate and volunteered as a lead for the project.
Thanks to DynamicWebPages for the tip...