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Community News:
KnpUniversity is now SymfonyCasts
Sep 17, 2018 @ 15:44:36

An announcement has been posted by KnpUniversity today under the group's new name: SymfonyCasts.

If you look around the site today, you'll probably notice something different. KnpUniversity is now SymfonyCasts! And SymfonyCasts is the official online training system for Symfony. This is something we've been planning for awhile and we are beyond excited. Like, jumping-high-fives-someone-order-a-big-cake kind of excited! Woh.

If you're already a KnpU/SymfonyCasts user: we <3 you! And because of that, I want to explain exactly what this change means (and doesn't mean).

They start by answering the first questions most have about changes and if they acquired. They also talk about why they're making the change and how the focus will still remain on high-quality Symfony-related tutorials and videos. With them joining the Symfony family officially, though, it provides them with support to keep the lessons coming and the help they'll provide on the Symfony documentation as a part of the changes.

tagged: knpuniversity symfonycasts announcement symfony

Link: https://symfonycasts.com/blog/symfonycasts

Knp University:
How we Upgraded to Symfony 2.7 (+ deprecation notices)
Jun 01, 2015 @ 16:17:24

The Knp University site has a new post to their blog sharing how they migrated to Symfony 2.7, the latest release of the popular PHP framework.

Symfony 2.7 - the next LTS release - came out on Saturday, with bells and whistles like 100+ new features/enhancements and a surprise new bridge component to PSR-7. So, we decided to upgrade immediately and report back. Let's go!

They walk through each stage of the process, sharing code and summaries about what changed along the way (including the update to the composer.json):

  • You need to upgrade sensio/distribution-bundle
  • You Need -with-dependencies
  • Upgrading FOSUserBundle
  • Fixing Behat 2.5

It's a pretty short list and obviously your milage may vary depending on what version you're updating from, but most recent versions shouldn't have too much trouble.

tagged: knpuniversity upgrade symfony27 guide steps fixes

Link: http://knpuniversity.com/blog/upgrading-symfony-2.7

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